Ralph Ellison and the Genius of America by Timothy Parrish
Call Number: PS3555.L625 Z84 2012
ISBN: 9781558499225
Publication Date: 2012-01-19
Ralph Ellison by Lawrence Jackson
Call Number: PS 3555 .L625 Z74 2002
ISBN: 9780471354147
Publication Date: 2002-04-22
Some things you should know....
There are different kinds of literary criticism. The Purdue University guide Literary Theory and Schools of Criticism explains different forms of literary criticism. *Each type of criticism has a "Typical Questions" section that can serve as a possible prompt to start writing.
It is not uncommon in literary critiques to see several works of an author discussed, or to see a work compared to the works of other authors. In other sources, the author's works may be discussed in the context of his or her life.
Give yourself plenty of time to complete your assignment, including doing your works cited page. Literary Criticism can be more time-consuming than other research assignments.