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English1B Loughman: Remote Access

Research Guide for Professor Loughman's English 1B Online Class

Database Search from Off Campus For Students

Moorpark College Library

Database Search from Off Campus for Students

1. Please log into your MyVCCCD portal at with your username and password.

2. Under Tools, click on Library.

Library Menu

3. You will see links to the Databases and OneSearch (library catalog). If you'd like to search all Library materials at once, click on OneSearch - MC. If you know the name of a particular database you'd like to use, click on Databases.

Library navigation menu

4. If you click on OneSearch, you will now see the search page. Type into the search box and begin your research! Screen shot of One Search page with search box

5. Alternately, you may click on the Moorpark College logo in the upper left corner of the OneSearch page to get to the full Library home page with hours and other helpful information about Library services. 

Screen shot of Moorpark College logo in upper left corner of One Search page

6. If you click on Databases, you will see an alphabetized list of Databases. You can click on a letter to search database names beginning with that letter, use the search box to search for a particular database by name, or use the drop-down menu to reorganize the list by subject if you wish.  Screen shot of alphabetical list of databases page with red arrows pointing to letter by letter search icons, search box, and pull-down menu to search by subject