Copies of plays/monologues are located in three locations in the library: The Main Collection, the Theatre Arts Collection and the Reference Collection.
1. For browsing, a good starting place is the Theatre Arts Collection. This is a collection of plays located on the second floor of the library and is arranged first by author's last name and then by title of the play.
2. The Main Collection includes complete plays as well as anthologies and is arranged by Library of Congress classification system. Use the Library Catalog (OneSearch) to find your play. Plays are included in the literature section of the library and are often collected in anthologies. A print index will give you the title of the anthology or other source in which the play can be found.
Library of Congress Call Number Ranges for Theatre:
PA Greek, Roman & Latin, PN 1997 Screenplays, PN 2080 Monologues, PQ French, Italian & Spanish, PR English PS American, PT German , Dutch, Norwegian & Swedish, M Music and musical theatre
3. The Reference Collection contains monologues, scenes for acting and indexes to plays in collections.
Quick Tips in Using the Library Catalog:
If you need more help, please ask the librarian.