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Sociology: Find Books

This guide is intended to help Moorpark College students learn about a variety of resources for conducting research in sociology


Library Home Page: Search for Books, Ebooks, and More

Finding Books in the Library

The Moorpark College Library catalog allows you to search for books, ebooks, CDs, DVDs, and titles of periodicals. From the library homepage, click the Library Catalog link. Check this video tutorial on how to find a book in the library.

Type your subject or title into the provided box. The initial search results include both print and electronic items. 

 To find print books held by the library, click the Location link on the left side bar.

  • Books and other items (Books on CD and DVDs) that are in the Main Collection can be checked out for three weeks.
  • Books in the Reference Collection and Topics Table are for library use only.
  • The Display Case may include circulating and non-circulating items. Check with the Reference Librarian for assistance. 

Select Main Collection. Click on the title to retrieve the call number and the availability.

  • Note that some of the items are available in multiple versions, print and online.
  • Not available indicates the book may be checked out. 

Write down the call number and find the two letter combination on the shelves: (A-HT 2nd floor, HV-Z and Oversize 3rd floor)

Still can't find it? Come to the Reference Desk to ask the Librarian for assistance. 


All eBooks that come up in your search results will be noted with Available Online. 

Select the title by clicking on the title or the Available Online link. You will be taken to the complete record. The display record includes a link to the full text and detailed information about the item.

  1. Use the email feature to email yourself a specific chapter of an eBook that you are using. The chapter will show up in your email as a PDF file. 
  2. Check the printing limit from the EBSCO eBook collection.  
  3. Most of the EBSCO eBooks are one copy per user. If the book you need is "in use" please check back in about 30-60 minutes, to allow for check-in time.

Checking Out Books in the Library

You will need your student ID number (900 number) to check out library materials. Simply take your materials to the circulation desk (pictured above) for checkout. 

Placing Holds in the Catalog

Step 1: Go to and enter the title or keywords for the item you want in the search bar.

Tips for your search: If you are looking for materials in the Textbook Lending or Equipment Lending collections that you can borrow for the semester, you can use some specific keywords in your search to narrow the results.

  • add "textbook lending" to a keyword search for your textbooks
    • you can also combine "textbook lending" with your course subject as listed in the Class Schedule (e.g. "textbook lending math" or "textbook lending chemistry")
  • search "equipment lending" to see a list of all the equipment we have available
  • search "ti-34" or "ti-84" to see our scientific or graphing calculators and place a hold

Library catalog search widget with "Dune" typed into the search form

Step 2: Select the appropriate print title that fits your search. *Please note that course reserves are not available for hold pickup.


Library catalog search results for "Dune" with an arrow indicating the item we want.

Step 3: The item's full information will open when selected. You will need to sign in using the sign in button under the "Get It" section.


Full information for "Dune" with an arrow directing attention to the sign in notification for viewing request options.

Step 4: Sign in using your MyVCCCD credentials. If you get an error, please contact the library at 805-378-1450.


Pop-up window to login using "MyVCCCD" or "Guest" with an arrow pointing at "MyVCCCD"

Step 5: When you are signed in to MyVCCCD you will see a "Request" button appear in the "Get It" section of the item information. *Please note that course reserves are not available for hold pickup. If the item location information says "Reserves," the "Request" button will not display.


Full information for "Dune" with the request button now available.

Step 6: The request window will open and allow you to add optional comments before sending your request.


The request window with options to comment and to send request

Step 7: You've done it! After your request has been placed you will receive a notification email when the item is ready for pickup as well as instructions on how and when to do so.

Confirmation notification, text reads "Your request was successfully placed"