Welcome to the English/ESL Textbook Guide!
There are two main collections of textbooks in the Library:
Need help? Our Circulation Staff is eager to assist you. It is helpful to have the title, author, and edition (if applicable) ready when asking for a book in Reserves. Thank you!
You can always search our Library Catalog for the textbook you're looking for to see where it is housed in the Library and whether or not it's available. Sometimes, textbooks can be found in the Main Collection or other places you wouldn't expect. You can place holds on Textbook Lending books online through our catalog, but you cannot place holds on Reserve books. Reserve books are available in person on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Please note that the Library does not keep copies of all textbooks for all courses offered at Moorpark College. If the Library does not carry your book, you may need to visit the Moorpark College Follett Bookstore for purchase and rental options (for a fee).