Whenever you are considering using a website as a source, it is very important that you review the contents in detail. An easy way to make a determination is to use Jim Kapoun's Five Criteria for Evaluating Web Pages:
There are many other resources to evaluate web pages. One of the more interesting examples is CSU Chico's CRAAP Test.
Try the following websites:
ipl2 (www.ipl.org)
Lists of websites evaluated by librarians for credibility
Infomine: Scholarly Internet Resource Collections
INFOMINE is a virtual library of Internet Resources and is librarian built. Librarians from the University of California, Wake Forest University, California State University, the University of Detroit - Mercy, and other universities and colleges have contributed to building INFOMINE.
Limiting your search to specific domains can remove some of the less reputable websites from your Google searches. Note: .edu and .org sites more than likely will NOT count as scholarly sources for this course.
.com - commercial or business
.edu - educational institution
.org - organization (often non-profit)
.gov - government organization
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