The Moorpark College Library offers a Request Pickup service for library materials. You may place requests through our library catalog to be picked up at the library during the semester. Semester loans for laptops, hotspots, and Textbook Lending Program books are due by the last day of finals regardless of when the item is checked out during the semester.
We offer pick up times during library hours. Our current hours may be found on the library homepage.
Please wait until you receive an email notice from us that says your item is ready for pickup otherwise it may not be ready for you when you arrive.
Questions? Please call us at 805-378-1450 or email to
Finding a Book in the Library - Video Tutorial
Using One Search allows you to search for books, eBooks, articles, media and more.
1) Type your subject or title into the provided box. The initial search results include both print and electronic items.
To find PRINT books in the library, click the Location link on the left side bar.
Select Main Collection. Click on the title to retrieve the Call Number and the availability.
Write down the call number and find the two letter combination on the shelves:
(A-HT 2nd floor, HV-Z and Oversize 3rd floor)
Still can't find it? Come to the reference desk to ask the librarian for assistance.