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Art History Honors - Lydia Etman: Find Articles

Suggested Databases

NOTE: The resources listed in this guide represent a sample of the many types of sources you can find using the library's databases. Do not limit yourself by using ONLY the selected resources featured in this guide. Please explore the wide range of materials offered by the Moorpark College Library!

Academic Databases

  • Are accessible off campus with your VCCCD username and password
  • Contain searchable information about subjects or studies for reading, writing, and research
  • Mini search engines with authoritative and credible information
  • Resources are free and you can download, print, and email them to yourself
  • Students gain exclusive access to scholarly sources, like peer-reviewed articles, newspapers, magazines, reports, and reference materials
  • Articles contain citation generators to create references

How to Find an Article (3 min)

Remote Access to Moorpark College Library Databases

1. Log into your MyVCCCD portal with your username and password. Go to

2. In the Tools section, select Library

3. Select Databases - MC

4. Click on a database to open it and start searching

Contact a Librarian if you have any questions. Librarians can be reached at 805-378-1472 or email us at or chat with us

General Search Tips

Watch this short video (2 min) to learn Database Research Tips!

Keywords (or search terms) are the words that you enter into the database search boxes to find articles. They represent the main concepts of your research topic and are the words used in everyday life to describe the topic. Some databases will suggest keywords as you enter yours into the search box.  Use these suggestions if they are relevant. Without the right keywords, you may have difficulty finding the articles that you need.

If you don't get many results using your keywords, try searching with Subject Headings which are "controlled language" words used by databases to ensure that all items relevant to a particular topic will be found. 

  • As a rule, don't type long phrases into the search box
  • Use quotation marks for names, phrases, or titles. Example: '"cut piece"
  • Use Boolean operators (and, or, not) to combine keywords into effective searches. Use AND to narrow, OR to broaden, NOT to exclude. Example: "Yoko Ono" AND "cut piece"
  • Use the limiters that are typically in the left hand column. You can find full versions of articles, scholarly (peer reviewed) articles, and articles from a specific time frame

Your first search often won't yield perfect results. It takes trial and error to determine which keywords/subject headings work best for your topic. Be prepared to run multiple searches in your quest for the words that will help you find the best resources.

  • Start with a keyword search
  • Browse your results until you find 2 or 3 relevant titles
  • Look at the "subject" or "descriptor" assigned to the titles and re-do your search using the terms listed

~ Adaption of Walden University "Keyword Searching: Finding Articles on Your Topic: Select Keywords"