Moorpark College students, faculty and staff can now access a variety of magazines such as Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, National Geographic, Kiplinger's Personal Finance digitally using the library's subscription to Flipster. Titles are from categories including news & politics, science & technology, business, lifestyle, diversity, and art & design.
3D World Advocate America American History American Scientist Aperture Archeology Art in America Art Newspaper Artforum International Astronomy The Atlantic Billboard Bloomberg Businessweek Bon Appetit Cineaste Commonweal Communication Arts Consumer Reports Consumer Reports on Health Discover DIVERSEability Diversity in STEAM Do It Yourself Eat Well Essence Fast Company Food Company Food & Wine Forbes Fortune Hispanic Outlook on Education Magazine Humanist Inc. |
Kiplinger's Personal Finance Maclean's MIT Technology Review The Nation National Geographic National Review National Wildlife (World Edition) Natural History New Mobility The New Republic The New Yorker Newsweek en Espanol Orion Magazine Phi Delta Kappan Poetry Poets & Writers Popular Mechanics Prevention The Progressive Reader's Digest Reason Rolling Stone Runner's World Science News SLAM Time Travel Weekly U.S. Veterans Magazine Washington Monthly Wired World Affairs Writer's Digest YC:Young Children |