The Moorpark College Library carries thousands of unique eBooks that be accessed remotely from any off-campus location.
All eBooks that come up in your search results will be noted with Available Online.
Type your search words into the provided box. The search results include both print and electronic items. To limit your search results to eBooks only, click on the Resources Type link on the left side bar and choose Books and Book Chapters.
Select the title (s) by clicking on the title or the Available Online link. You will be taken to the complete record. The display record includes a link to the full text and detailed information about the item.
In this example, to open the book, click on the view full text link and you will access the digital content for the item. (note: if you are accessing the eBook from off-campus, you will be prompted to login to your MyVCCCD account). To access a specific chapter simply click on the chapter's title. To access the entire book, click on "eBook Full Text" or the download button.