Here is a link to the Creative Commons website. Here you can take your work answer some questions and the site automatically applies the best license for you based on your responses: Choose a License ( You will simply need to answer some basic questions regarding the work you have created? How much can others change with your work? Can they monetize future creations? It is important to think about these things before creating a license. Once you are ready there are links at the bottom of the page so you can copy the license directly or embed it in a page or work. Your work must have its license displayed so all users can see and know what they can and cannot do with your work.
Combining Licenses
If you wish to combine multiple items with separate Creative Commons Licenses you will first have to check the current licenses. Each license has a different legal protection. Some can work together while others would be in conflict so combining is not a possibility.
If you wish to cite a work that has a Creative Commons (CC) License then you must include several pieces of relevant information including, the author/creator, the title, link to original source and link to license.
“Furggelen afterglow” by Lukas Schlagenhauf is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.
Links to Style Guides for Creative Commons. Please note that some guides do not yet have anything officially published on citing CC so there is a best practices page which covers citing CC in general