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Psychology M06 - Boucquey

Research guide for Professor Boucquey's Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods

Examples of In-Text Citations

For APA format in-text citations, you will need to make sure you always include the author's last name(s) and the date the information was published. Your paper will have a short in-text citation within the body of your paper and a full reference of the work on your References page at the end of your essay.

  • Both paraphrases and quotations require citations
  • If you mention the author's name within your sentence, include the date after the last name and will not need to place a citation in parenthesis after the sentence
  • If you use a direct quote, include the page number

Here are some examples:

Kinsey (2022) discovered that students who attended a library session were successful at locating credible sources.


One study found that college students who attended a library instruction had significantly higher grades (Kinsey, 2022).


According to Kinsey (2022), "conducting research is a cyclical process that includes reevaluation" (p. 212).

Examples of References

Print Book:

Mancini, C. (2008). Racism in Harper Lee’s To kill a mockingbird. Greenhaven Press.

Electronic Book:

Schreiber, B. (2019). Music is power : Popular songs, social Justice, and the will to change. Rutgers University Press.

Web page:

Hollmichel, S. (2013, April 25). The reading brain: Differences between digital and print. So Many Books.

Webpage with Organization as Author

Autism Speaks. (2017, March 6). World's largest autism genome database shines new light on many 'autisms.' Autism


Academic Journal Article:

Grauer, J., Löwen, H., & Liebchen, B. (2020). Strategic spatiotemporal vaccine distribution increases the survival rate in an infectious disease like

Covid-19. Scientific Reports10(1), 1–10.

For more examples of APA style citations, visit Excelsior OWL or APA.

Formatting the References Page

  • Each reference entry includes four elements: author, date, title, and source
  • Alphabetical order:
    • Author’s last name, first initial or the title if there is no author
  • Double-spaced
  • Hanging indent
  • Capitalize only first word of title and subtitle
  • Full URL for electronic sources
  • Include Digital Object Identifier (DOI) instead of database

Learn more from APA here: References