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Nursing: Nursing & Medical Journals

A library research guide for nursing students

Selected Nursing Journals Available Online Through the Library

New England Journal of Medicine

To gain institutional access to the NEJM you must create your own account. Follow the steps here: Institutional Access Options for

New England Journal  of Medicine


The eJournal Search allows you to access full text journals available for use by currently enrolled students, faculty and staff and online freely accessible websites. Users must log in to MyVCCCD to access these publications.  
Look for these online full-text journals via the Moorpark College Library’s "eJournal Search" link.

1.      From the Library Search page, click the eJournal Search link at the top of the page.

2.      Click the "Health and Biological Scienceslink on the left menu.

3.      The list includes full text journal titles and the database or databases which contain the full text journal title.  You may browse the table of contents of the journal or search the database by subject.

JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association